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  • Great food!

  • Enriching fellowship!

  • Lessons of Leadership from the Language of the Horse!

This is one event you don't want to miss. You are invited to the scenic Acres Away Angus Farm in Hampton, Ga on September 23, 2021 from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM.

We are fortunate to have with us Dr. Lew Sterrett, Professional Horse Trainer. For over 30 years Dr. Lew has combined his expertise as a professional horse trainer, a certified youth and family counselor, a licensed pastor, and a successful business executive to produce one of the most unique events in the Christian realm. You will have the opportunity to experience this in person as he trains a horse. You will experience his "Sermon on the Mount."

Jimmy Kinnaird, the new Associational Missionary for Fairburn Baptist Association and his wife, Karen will be at the event. This is a great opportunity to meet them as they begin their ministry here in the Association.

We are asking each family to bring a side dish and/or dessert. Flat Creek Baptist Church is generously providing the meat. Bring your church family, family and friends. EVERYONE is welcome and you don't want to miss out on this fun and spirit-filled day!

We need you to RSVP by September 16th so that we will know how much of the main dish to provide.

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Things are going to be different. Honestly, what area of life could we not all say, "Things are going to be different"? It's likely that you have had a lot of changes over the last year and half. Probably many of the changes have not been of your choice. One thing I do know. God is in control. Not only that, God is also good and is working good in all things, both the bad and the good. So while we keep on rolling with the changes, we can rest assured that even in the bad and good things, God is working for the good for His children.

I believe that this is part of God's working in bringing Karen and I to Fairburn Baptist Association. Changes in our lives, which were not our choosing, opened us up to new and different opportunities. Looking back, I can say that I am so thankful for them because they have brought us here to you.

In thinking of you, I want us to have greater communication and collaboration. So, Fairburn Baptist Association (FBA) now has a growing website and is beginning to have a social media presence among other things. Please, if you are on Facebook, like the FBA facebook page.

There is a very important thing you can do for me and for your fellow pastors in the association. It will not cost you anything other than about 30 minutes and a little concentration. I am going to send you a survey either later today or tomorrow. It is a survey to discover your thoughts and desires of what FBA should be starting now and into the future. This survey is online and is only going out to senior pastors in FBA. It is also anonymous.

I would like for you to complete the survey as soon as possible, preferably right when you see it. If not, within a day or two. The sooner I get your responses and thought, the sooner I can make adjustments. I will make the survey results available in the immediate future, perhaps at the annual meeting in October.

This survey is just the beginning for FBA 2.0. I don't have it all figured out; not even a little. But I know that together we can hear from the Lord Jesus and follow with him what he is doing and is going to do in our area and beyond.

Since I'm new, you may not have much information on Jimmy Kinnaird. You can visit my online resume, with short videos of my conversion and calling, family, ministry experience and even some recent sermons and stuff. You can find it here:

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I was a pastor for 21 years. I was a transitional pastor during the pandemic. I can only imagine what it was like to pastor all the way through it and still be at the same church today. The pandemic has been hard on 99% of us, no matter what you do or what kind of leader you are. But this pandemic along with the already overwhelming burden of being a pastor in a church can be too much for anyone to bear. That is why it is so important that your pastors, both lead and pastoral staff know that you appreciate them. They need to know you have their prayers and that you have their back.

Believe it or not, many pastors have thought about leaving vocational ministry. The issues related to the coronavirus have intensified this. I interact regularly with pastors, they tell me what is on their heart. Many have said that if they could find a job that would support their family they’d leave. I could enumerate many reasons for this from decrease in attendance, finances and member conflicts over how reopening or not reopening was handled. But what is needed here is one way you can show love and give a much needed shot in the arm to a local pastor: Do something to thank them. In other words, appreciate them. This goes not only for the senior pastor but all the ministers (associate, youth, children, etc.) serving in your church.

An act of gratitude to your pastors goes a long, long way. Especially with the wife and family. My wife remembers these things more than I. In thinking about it, she wrote this:

In the late ‘80s my husband served as the pastor of a church plant in a suburb of New Orleans. Money was tight for us and the church. Someone took the initiative and organized families to bring us a meal for seven consecutive nights. As a church planting couple, I worked full-time while my husband completed seminary classes and while we were raising babies and balancing the household together. Those meals were a huge blessing to our family.

Over the years, my husband has been blessed in many ways. One favorite is a personal note with a word of appreciation citing a specific time he ministered to them or a sermon that God used to speak directly to them. He’s enjoyed a basket or bag with a few things he mentioned in sermons that he enjoys like Dr. Pepper and Reece’s or humorous gifts. One year, a family gave him a book of pastoral cartoons with cash inserted in the pages.

The gestures meant so much to both of us. It could be a turning point for your minister if you did such a thing. As you can see, it doesn’t have to take any money out of the church budget, just someone to organize it and get the word out for people to do it. Most assume others will show appreciation, so why is mine needed? If that happens, then nothing will be done.

My wife, Karen reminds us that doing things for the ministers family is important as well. Doing something or buying a gift for the kids makes the whole family feel loved. It is not so much what you do but that you do something. If you are ever going to show appreciation to your minister, believe me, now is the time. Don’t let October 2021 go by without it.

For some ideas on what you could do. Download the free ebook that has 22 ideas for minister appreciation by Karen Kinnaird. Just click on the image.

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Supporting the growth and health of Southern Baptist pastors, leaders and their churches while championing the Good News of Jesus Christ in Fulton, Coweta and Fayette Georgia Counties

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T: Susan Cunningham (770) 692-5188


T: Jimmy Kinnaird (770) 692-5198 



M: 285 Lynnwood Avenue, S107     

     Tyrone, GA 30290

O: 285 Lynnwood Avenue, S103, 107
     Tyrone, GA 30290

© 2022 by FairburnBA.

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